Our Services
- Medical Tourism
- Building Construction
- Civil Infrastructure
- IT Consultancy
- Township Planning & Construction
- Metals & Mineral Mining
- Networking Solutions
- Oil & Natural Gas
- Project Management & Delivery
- Power
- Railways
- Renewable Energy
- Security & Surveillance Solution
- System Integration
- Telecom
- Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Business
- Workplace Solution
- All Services
Unique, Economic,
Productive & Agile!
Today the most efficient and effective mode of interstate or cross country transportation is Railways which not only caters to the passengers travel but it is one of the biggest support system to the industries for their supply chain network within and outside the country.
Over the years with the introduction of rapidly changing technology and upgradation of system in every sector the Railways has also equipped itself with its technological upgradation to provide better services to its customers be it private sector, individual travelers or industry.
Ever growing tracks, routes, services have enabled Railways to be the first choice for domestic users in all the sectors and its cost effectiveness is undoubtedly a reason for its indispensable need.
We are the leading service providers to the Railways and have taken over many projects over the years to provide a system support in installing and maintaining its electrification and signaling projects globally.

We offer a wide range of services to our clients in this sector, be it installation of grid network for electricity distribution to the trains and substations, traction substation with appropriate voltage and current frequencies with zero downtime and maintenance. General electrical installations, building or station electrification, supply networks are also undertaken as projects.

Signal design, design automation software tools, design center with features ranging from yard and signal configuration plan, field surveys ,providing consultancy and installation support for signaling automation condition monitoring & Train control system for IR, Metros and other organizations are some of the services to mention we offer in this sector.
We also undertakes the maintenance contracts for signaling system at stations or yards including providing the efficient and technically sound manpower to ensure zero down time in the relay.

Our Trusted Clients